Privacy Policy

Precious Moments takes its users privacy extremely seriously and do all we can to ensure any data that is held on our users is protected and used correctly. Our Privacy Policy details what information we hold on you as a user of the Precious Moments website and the ways with which we will use this information.


Any data stored or collected by Precious Moments is used in line with our Terms of Use. Any information which is held is used to allow us to be able to provide information on the users account, information on reviews, information on our products and services, offers and deals which are supplied by our store via our Website.

If users would like their account to be deleted or amended, or if they wish to prevent us from using their information for any purpose, either as stated or for new purposes, then they can contact us here and we will endeavour to comply with their request.

Information Collected and Held on Users

To sign up for the services Precious Moments provide we only request a name, email address, contact number and a password.

By Agreeing to this Privacy Policy you hereby allow us to use this information to contact you regarding relevant offers, deals and information on your reviews.

It is possible that we may wish to use customer information in unanticipated ways, not stated in our Privacy Policy. In this event, we will contact individuals before using the data for new purposes, so that the individual users may opt-out if they wish. If any user feels this site is not following its stated information policy, then they may inform us.

Who do we share your data with?

We do not pass users’ personal data on to third parties without obtaining prior consent. With consent, we may use personal data for:

1. Marketing of our products and services.

2. On rare occasions personal data may be disclosed, if we are requested to do so by law, or receive a valid request for its disclosure – e.g. fraud prevention measures.

How Secure is Your Data Held by Precious Moments?

With Precious Moments, we treat the security of your data extremely seriously and have a number of measures in place to ensure that your data isn’t compromised or accessed unless absolutely necessary to offer our services.

Amending Your Details / Email Settings

We do not/will not send Junk Email or Spam.

We may send emails with site updates, latest offers, or featured items in our store. All of our emails contain a link which you can use to opt-out/unsubscribe from further emails of that nature.

A few of our service emails are essential to allow the use of the Precious Moments website and so it is not possible to opt-out of receiving these.

Registered users may update their account details held by us, online by using the relevant links from within their account page.


We do not share or rent email addresses or information without prior consent, furthermore you are able to unsubscribe at any time from our various email types which range from service emails through to offers, newsletters and blog updates. You are also able to unsubscribe from our site at any time. Please visit your account settings to view these preferences.

Disclosure of Personal Data

As part of our compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998, we give members the opportunity to view any information held on them as an individual. This may include purchase information, account totals, contact details and other information.

Users may request this information by contacting us. There may be a small administration fee for requesting this information, which will be no more than £5.

Company Details

Enjoy Precious Moments Ltd

Business Address: Appledram Barns, Birdham Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 7EQ
Company No: 13651177
VAT Number: GB 442 7367 85